"Equality is the soul of liberty;
there is, in fact, no liberty without it."


Passion for Equality


Inspired by the innate nature of the spirit to view each being as equal, the vision at ACE is to serve youth
communities by discovering, innovating
and working towards equal opportunities for education of the spirit, mind
and body, hence holistically working towards equality within society.


Spreading Love & Hope!


Our mission at ACE is to work with children and young adults by being enablers to help create
equal opportunity through education and creativity.
Our primary goal is to work towards the
inculcation of the love of learning and the joy of discovery;
thereby empowering children to
innovate and become life-long learners and doers.

We believe in free inquiry that empowers communities to collaborate and translate their learning into
effective action, harbouring unity and harmony.

Our Projects

Sponsoring Education


The Raincoat Project


Make a Change

A small change holds the power to cause a ripple effect that can impact the future.
Help create an impact by contributing to our cause and changing the world for the better.